Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 5 at the Big Build

This moring we started out with a boat ride with Pauline. Pauline wanted to go water skiing and Zach wanted to go tubing ....

Day 3 & 4 at the Big Build .....

Day 3 - Joker and Zach posing outside the house before our run to the Winston's to deliver the goat for the big 4th of July BBQ. They live down the street on the cove ....

The Pride of Barbados in full bloom .....

Day 4 - Zach and Jacob on the double slip and slide

Here's a picture of Bert's car all dressed up for the big Lago Vista 4th of July parade .....

Then there were the fireworks ... The big boys were a bit out of control. Luckily there was only one fire .....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 2 at the Big Build

Played more baseball - went swimming - played even more baseball - went swimming again .... Lots of fun in the sun!

Tomorrow will be more of the same. The forecast is sunny and high 90s yet again. Actually it will be all week :)
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 1 of the Texas Adventure

Day one - a typical summer day in Texas - hot and sunny. Today's high was in the high 90's.

The main activity of day one was attending a Round Rock Express baseball game. Here are a couple of pictures from the game. The Express pulled off a difficult win against the Albuquerque Isotopes. It was difficult fore, as we were informed by Zach, the Round Rock Express is in last place. The battle for last place is between Albuquerque and Round Rock. So this series is very important. Tonight's game was the first of three. Go Express!

The day also involved shopping at the local sports store. The boys needed to buy a baseball bat and some balls along with sneakers for Dave. While wandering the store they also found an under water skate board floaty thing. So of course they had to buy that. Later in the day Zach gave it a try. But it only made it to the shallow end. I'm sure it will be tested out in deeper waters later in the week.

Other activities included baseball at the neighbors, swimming, and several walks with Joker.

We will see what tomorrow brings ..... Tomorrow's forecast partly cloudy and 96.
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