Monday, October 13, 2008

The Big Dig at the Big Build

A couple of weeks ago we started a small landscaping project. It involved prep work for the garage and a flower bed at the front of the lot.
Below is a picture looking out from the pool area. This was the garage prep portion. We did this because we needed to flatten the area in order to get a feel for the garage layout. We dug a 2 foot hole and pulled out tons of rocks. In this portion of the dig we also cut down three or four cedars. So of course there was a burn at the Big Build too.
Here's a pictures of some of the rocks we pulled out of the garage dig. We used most of these in the flower bed we put in at the front of the lot.

Here are the quarry blocks we used to create a retaining wall on the backside of the flower bed.

Here's a shot of the backside of the flower bed at the front of the lot.

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Below is a view from the front of the flower bed.

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