Saturday, September 8, 2007

Diving at the Big Build

Laura kindly took some pictures of the dive show at the Labor Day party :)

Here I am attempting a swan dive from the 5M. Looking ok. After reviewing all the pics of my list, I know realize this is my best dive by far. I need to work on staying tighter on the others! At least I know what to work on before the big meet next weekend. Off to NYC for our summer nationals.

Here's a picture of Logan jumping off the lower level. She didn't bring her suit so she dove in her clothes. Can't believe she came to our house without a bathing suit. What was she thinking!!!! Luckily she had lots of extra clothes.

Here's a picture of Blake jumping from the top! She's the crazy one of the bunch. At the party Laura also taught her how to dive from the 3M. She really improved as the evening progressed ...

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