Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pictures from Telluride....

We had a great trip to Telluride. The skiing was awesome! They have had a record year for snow fall. It was a bit dicey getting there. The day before we flew in both of the two flights were cancelled due to weather. Plus the flight the morning of our trip was cancelled too. When we boarded they told us there was a 50/50 chance we would be able to land in Telluride. If the weather in Telluride was stormy, we would be diverted to Grande Junction and bused in. That would be a three hour sardine ride. But luck was with us, we were able to land. The first two days were cloudy, windy and snow for a storm was passing through. The last two days were beautiful - warm and sunny. My kind of skiing :)

Here's a black and white of one of the many mountain ranges you can see from the fist stop on the gondola ....

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