Sunday, June 13, 2010

Spring Storms Over Austin

Another batch of beautiful lightning storms hit the Austin Area. The lightning was stunning once the massive storm moved through the area. But this time the lightning had a yellowish tint to it. This is the first time I've recorded such colors. So I did a little research on it and found ..... the color was yellow because the storm was far away. Just as the moon appears yellow when near the horizon, the shorter wavelengths of the light from the lightning were scattered out by the atmosphere, leaving the longer wavelengths(yellow, red) to be seen. The sun, when right on the horizon, sometimes appears red because there is sufficient water vapor, aerosols, and other pollutants to scatter out even yellow light. The lightning, being both far away and in proximity to a lot of water vapor and water droplets (over the lake and associated with a storm) was seen as yellow. As far as the color of lightning, even when seen close, natural lightning usually appears somewhat yellowish.

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