Monday, June 4, 2007

New Patio

Things are always changing at the Big Build. The past few weeks we have been working on a new patio. Well I should say Dave has been working on a new patio. The patio is in the front of the house. He first poured the concrete base in April. Now he is covering it with stone. It is due to be completed in a couple of days.
Here's a picture of it basically completed -


Niconic Photography said...

Well a couple of days have past and the patio is very close to completion :) I think it would have been finished yesterday, but the rains came earlier then expected. Dave had to send the help home early without finishing. He called them back today. When I left for work they were hard at work putting on the finishing touches. It's looking good. We both will be glad when it done because all the rock ruminants will be hauled off for good!

Niconic Photography said...

The patio is now basically complete! I think it's finished anyway. Dave wants to sand it down before he declares victory. I'm just happy it's 99% done! My plants weathered the work fairly well. Dave's buddies stomped on only a few of them. Not sure how all the cement dust et al will affect them. Hoping it won't be to bad. But it's looking good :) I've planted three agave, one prickly pear, one barrel cactus, one claret cup cactus, one purple white cactus, 50+ purple Liatris, one Pride of Barbados, and three purple Ice Plants. Dave is very concerned it is over crowded. Not sure why but he is ... I like it. Just hope they are all happy when the summer heat really hits. I know the agave and cactus will be fine. and the Ice Plant too. As for the Pride of Barbados and Liatris, not sure. Time will tell ...

Laura L said...

I love the new patio! I can't wait to see it in person!

Laura Barrows said...

Love the patio too. Can't wait to see in October.