Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Pride of Barbados is in Bloom

My Pride of Barbados has come into bloom. It was a long wait but it was worth it. It is stunning. Here is a picture of the first couple of blooms. More blooms have come out since this picture. It's getting more and more beautiful each day. They seem to pop over night providing a nice surprise each morning. I'll post some more pictures once it is in full bloom. I only hope the deer do not eat it in the mean time.

Here is another picture of the hibiscus. Still blooming and ever changing with each passing day. I was attempting to capture the size of the blooms. Not sure it really worked. As note earlier, they are the size of dinner plates. Very impressive. The deer have been staying away ever since I started using a heavier hand on the Deer Off. Not sure if the Deer Scram worked because it rained with in a day of the application. The commercials say that it will last for 45 days even when it rains. The directions indicated otherwise. And of course, it didn't just rain, it poured a few times. Needless to say, the pellets washed away. I think the Deer Off is working just fine. I've been applying it every week or so just to make sure those pesky critters stay away. Happy to report they seem to be under control.

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