Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bug Eyed Baby

We have baby cardinals in the lime tree!

I discovered the nest a couple of weeks ago while doing my daily watering. I think the babies hatched about week ago. She has three babies.

Some interesting information ....

The female builds the nest while the male keeps a close eye on her and the surrounding territory for predators and other males. The female will be the only one incubating the eggs.
The males duty during this time is to feed her on the nest and protect their territory from intruders.
Once the young hatch, both will feed them. Two broods each season are attempted. The nest is made up of twigs, bark strips, vines leaves, rootlets, paper, and lined with vines, grass and hair.
You can find the nest placed in dense shrubbery or among branches of small trees. Generally 1-15 feet above ground.
Laying 2-5 eggs that are buff-white with dark marks. The female incubates the eggs for 12- 13 days and the young leave the nest in 9-11 days after hatching.

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