Sunday, July 26, 2009

Long Hollow Cove Is Starting To Dry Up :(

The cove is starting to show the effects of the drought. We haven't had any significant rain in a couple of months. Per the drought classifications Central Texas is D4-Exceptional (the highest classification). Exceptional - Not exactly how I'd describe our current condition. It's more like unbelievably extreme, far from exceptional. Travis is down 31 feet. Apparently the far end of the cove's depth is less then 31 ft. It will take several more weeks of this brutal weather to dry up the entire cove. The lake is falling at a rate of about 1 ft per week. So that gives us about 25 more weeks before the cove is completely dry. They are forecasting an El Nino year so that means rain for central TX! Hopefully the rains arrive by October. Keeping our fingers crossed .....
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